Approximately six years ago I started a blog called “Mr. Smooth’s Ruminations.” It was focused on tidbits about life in general gleaned from casual conversations and observations that I found interesting. Things that I overheard in lines at Starbucks, contemplated while seeing something during my commute, heard during conversations with co-workers, etc.  I’ve always found reflecting those kinds of unexpected moments to be one of the joys of life.

The concept for the blog might have been OK, but my motive for starting it up probably wasn’t. In addition to posting about things of interest to me, I had intended to make money plugging a web hosting company and selling products. I learned two things the hard way; one, that the informal business plan that I’d been presented with was outdated, and two, that my skills weren’t sufficient for such an endeavor.

I have an ulterior motive this time around, too – building my blogging and web development skills. I have no illusions about making money though. I hope to add a few WordPress bells and whistles, subsequently learn some XHTML coding, and maybe make a classier site from a web development tool I’m expecting in the mail in a few days. If any or all of that works out, then I’ll change the title tagline.

I also hope to come up with a few posts worth reading in the meantime. Comments and links to similar blogs and would be very much appreciated.