I know you’ve already seen all of these sites a million times. I just want to talk about my daily routine.

I don’t have much time to watch news these days, so I’m getting into an almost daily pattern of scrolling the top stories on Yahoo over a morning cup of coffee:

I like the Craigslist ‘virtual bulletin board of life’ motif. I often go there when I’m not looking for a particular piece of information or product. Instead, I click a post or two in many of the generalized areas, and like to think it helps me get a high level overview of what’s going on in the nearby geographic area outside of my own little world:

I go to Wikipedia about 20 times a day to get ‘down and dirty’ answers about things that pop into my head for which I don’t need exhaustive data.

I also go to ‘Ask’ from time to time – in the same vein as Wikipedia, but I also like the random reader inquiries and questions of the day:

I may not be a tree hugger per se, but I believe in good use of resources and think this site has a great concept:

The public library – an incredibly useful but under-appreciated institution these days: